Maintenance on buildings and structures
RAS can provide a range of maintenance & cleaning work in the areas otherwise complicated by height or position.

- Concrete Repairs
- Roofing 7 flashing
- Expansion Joint Resealing
- Blasting
- Window Cleaning & Caulking
- Internal Vessel Work
A major application of industrial methods is in the fields of Inspection. By using our rope access methods, inspection can be carried out quickly & safely with minimal disruptions to other services. As well as satisfying tenders our highly mobile team can inspect contractor's work before, during & after contract. And with all inspections we can provide a full Photographic Report.
- General & Close Visual
- Paint & Corrosion Surveys
- Concrete Condition Surveys
- Internal Inspections

Painting & Coating Services
RAS can undertake surface preparation & application of protective coating using Industrial Rope Access techniques. Major savings can be made by using rope access methods for regular spot checking to extend intervals between total re-paints. The speed & versatility of our systems are ideal for access during specific weather conditions, or where there are other restricting factors.
Retaining of Road & Rail Cuttings
RAS offers a service for the Retaining of an embankment using wire mesh & retaining anchors without the need to close off access to road and/or rail services. Our work methods enable the technician to work with both hands free, as the need to use one hand to remain in balance has gone. Thus the work is less stressful & more productive for all involved.

Anchorage Systems
RAS can supply & install an anchorage system for rope access to your building or structure. Maintenance & cleaning by Industrial Rope Access methods incorporated with one of RAS efficient rope access anchor systems can reduce costs when compared with complex mechanical cradles or Hydraulic lifting platforms.
We use only the highest quality materials on the market for these systems & supply a Users Manual & Work Method Booklet with each system installed. As per AS/NZ 4488 RAS tests all primary & secondary anchors to the appropriate loading.
Rope Access Training & Assessing
RAS Offers Comprehensive Training packages for your workforce in Industrial Rope Access.Our training Packages are based on the AIRA standard & meet all Workplace Health & Safety requirements for work at height & suspended access. We will provide a qualified Industrial Rope Access Level 3 instructor/assessor to conduct each training program. We also have IRATA supervisors who are qualified to instruct to IRATA levels.
Assessment after training is independent of RAS as required by the standard but is included as part of the package. Our courses are suitable for individuals or groups of no more than 8 per course.
Training Packages include:-
- Restricted Level 1
- Refresher Course
- Intermediate level 2
- Assessment for AIRA & IRATA
- Advanced level 3
- Site Specific Height Safety