We have combined three of north Queensland's top window cleaning businesses into one super efficient and reliable Industrial Rope Access window cleaning and maintenance service business.
You most likely already know of these businesses and their owners or operators.
- Firstly, Cleana Windows a 23 year old Townsville based business, owned and operated by Craig Stephens. Specialising in high quality window cleaning of houses, shop fronts and small commercial work.
- Secondly, Rope Access Solutions a 10 year old business from Mackay, owned and operated by David Southwood. Specialising in cleaning windows, maintenance work and painting on high-rise buildings.
- Thirdly, Acro Access originally owned and operated by Paul Coakley, which has been running in Townsville and Cairns since 1990 and specialised in both of the above.

Industrial Rope Access utilities techniques adapted from mountaineering, rock-climbing, caving & abseiling for use in industrial applications. With strict controls in place to ensure quality of training, on-site administration & work procedures, these systems provide a means on access that offers a high degree of safety.
Industrial Rope Access has been established in Australia for approximately 10 years & in Europe for over 20 years. This method of work positions has been carefully refined over the years by the Australian Industrial Rope Access Trade Association (IRATA) in the United Kingdom & more recently adapted by the Australian Industrial Rope Access Standard (AIRA) for work in Queensland.
RAS is committed to the on-going development & implementation of safe work positioning using these systems.